Five Eco-Efficiency Process and Systems

The five eco-efficiency processes and systems form the foundation of any credible and bona fide net zero transition plan and are common to all four Pathways.

It will be almost impossible for a company to achieve a net zero business model without deploying these eco-efficiency practices.

Five Eco-Efficiency Process and Systems

Carbon Free Energy. Using carbon free energy is fundamental to eco-efficiency. Companies achieve carbon free energy by building their own renewable energy resources such as onsite wind and solar and by purchasing renewable energy through PPAs and similar arrangements.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation. Using less energy is fundamental to eco-efficiency and provides immediate financial benefit in the form of cost savings. Many energy saving measures are simple, including substituting low wattage LED lighting for incandescent bulbs, installing insulation and double paned windows, purchasing low energy appliances and equipment, and turning down the thermostat in winter and turning it up in summer. Companies con often save tens or hundreds of millions of dollars by employing such practices.

Zero Emission Smart Buildings. Having zero emission buildings is a key component of eco-efficiency because the built environment and real estate infrastructure are among of the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases. Companies can design emissions-free buildings not only in how they are operated but also in how they are built. Zero emission buildings are also smart in that they use the latest digital technologies to monitor and control their energy use, energy conservation, and building security.

Zero Emission Smart Transportation Fleets. Eliminating tailpipe emissions from owned and leased vehicles is fundamental to eco-efficiency. Zero emission fleets are also smart in that they use the latest digital technologies to find the most efficient routes, track vehicles, and monitor and control energy use.

Zero Emission Virtual Travel Policy. Adopting policies that encourage employees to use video conferencing instead of traveling to meetings and to use public transportation, car-pooling, bicycling, and other lower carbon means of getting to work are fundamental to eco-efficiency.